Saturday, April 21, 2007

Week 5

I added two links under Just The Facts, to the right. One is to a YouTube video channel I created. The other is to my workout spreadsheet. A few people have asked me what else I'm doing for training. I climb every Saturday at the Tor and train on my wall every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Tuesdays involve about 2.5 hours of climbing followed by an hour of pull-ups, front levers, and other core exercises. Thursdays and Sundays are 2 hours of interval climbing. I’ll try to get some training pics up soon.

Normal Guy, Wuffi (his dog), Paul, Elijah, Brian and I met Manny and the Rat at the Tor; perfect weather once again. Manny skipped a 50 mile run in Colorado to try and redpoint his new route: White Cougar. He looked good on his first go (video) and he won’t be the only person to fall at the chains on redpoint; he redpointed it (video) on his second attempt. He's calling it 12b, which means 12c at most crags. Normal Guy got the second ascent.

My day was a blur. I reduced my interval period to 20 minutes, which seemed ridiculously fast; a few times I had only 6 minutes of rest before my next lap. I did Power, Sea, Chips twice (video), ProSkill twice (video), Shatterhand twice, White Cougar twice, The Natural, Hell, AutoMagic, and Anchor Punch.

At the end of the day, Manny and NG tried a link-up starting on the Sea, traversing through Anchor Punch, then through Power, then through Shatterhand, and finishing on White Cougar; it looks to be a good variation.

Anchor Punch (12a)

Chips Ahoy (12d)